"The Beginning Of A New Legend Vol.1" - Tribute To Burzum 2012 (FAP006)
Fallen-Angels Productions
Wolfenhords (Croatia) - War (Intro)
Theudho (Belgium) - Det Som En Gang Var
Moloch (Ukraine) - Erblicket Die Töchter Des Firmaments
Ceremonial Castings (US) - Black Spell Of Destruction
Lugburz Sleed (Ukraine) - Dunkelheit
Dies Nefastus (Belarus) - My Journey To The Stars
Aeongrave (Korea) - Key To The Gate
Moloch (Ukraine) - Gebrechlichkeit I (Outro)
...... (Bonus, hidden track)
Photography and design by Baek Jong Cheon (백종천) (born 23.11.1969)
114 copies with cover printed on traditional Korea paper "hanji"
© 2012 Fallen-Angels Productions (South Korea)
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